





Canary Wharf

Canary Wharf

Canary Wharf

Product Design

Product Design

Product Design


Carla, an AI designed to be the heartbeat of a smart city, reimagines urban living in Canary Wharf with an array of transformative solutions. As the city's digital architect, Carla orchestrates a seamless integration of technology across various urban facets, from energy conservation to enhancing public safety and streamlining transportation.


To counteract climate catastrophe by integrating Carla, an AI-driven platform, to foster a sustainable and thriving urban environment.






Balancing Urban Needs with Sustainability

The project's soul was understanding its users—businesses, residents, and city planners—all unified by the need for sustainable practices without compromising security, visibility, or convenience. Our meticulous research revealed a compelling insight: 75% of businesses in the area were extending their lighting hours well into the night, primarily for safety and advertisement. This discovery reshaped our approach, leading to a solution that balanced environmental consciousness with urban needs. By addressing this, we aimed to reduce unnecessary energy consumption by up to 40%, offering a blueprint for sustainable urban lighting that still catered to the community's diverse requirements.

The Design Journey Unfolds

The Design Journey Unfolds

The Design Journey Unfolds

Embarking on a journey of innovative design, the project transitioned from brainstorming to concrete planning, laying the foundation for Carla's integration into Canary Wharf's urban fabric. The process unfolded in a series of wireframes, meticulously crafted to map out how this AI could revolutionize the cityscape. These wireframes served as the blueprint for Carla's role in enhancing sustainability across Canary Wharf, from reimagining public transportation networks to revitalizing green spaces and streamlining energy consumption in office buildings. Each wireframe iteration brought us closer to a future where technology and environmental stewardship converge, promising a smarter, greener urban environment.


Within the realm of high-fidelity prototypes, the Carla AI Smart City Project truly came to life, showcasing innovative features designed to enhance urban living:

Data Dashboard

A comprehensive display capturing the heartbeat of Canary Wharf, where users can witness the tangible impacts of Carla's initiatives on sustainability and urban efficiency.

Chat Interface

The digital core where residents engage in dialogue with Carla, transforming AI interaction into a personal and insightful experience.

Tasks Portal

A centralized hub for managing city tasks, where Carla guides users through the seamless coordination of community and maintenance efforts.

Alerts Hub

A vital source for real-time alerts, from security advisories to environmental updates, ensuring the community stays aware and prepared.

Through the lens of user testing, the resonance and functionality of these prototypes were affirmed, solidifying our vision for a connected and responsive smart city.

Impact Created


Energy Consumption Reduction

Energy Consumption Reduction

Energy Consumption Reduction


Cost Savings

Cost Savings

Cost Savings

1,000 tonnes

Carbon Footprint Reduction

Carbon Footprint Reduction

Carbon Footprint Reduction


Community Satisfaction

Community Satisfaction

Community Satisfaction

Ⓒ2024 CH

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Ⓒ2024 CH